Name: 29-V29-US3123
Latitude: N37°52.653'
Longitude: W119°23.711'
Elevation: 2616m
Location: Pothole Dome
GPS Accuracy: 11m
Direction: 170
Photo Date: 7/10/2008
Time: 10:10am


Vale (1987) Reference: 29
Vale (1994) Reference: 68
Photo Year: 1984

USGS Reference:
Photographer: G.K. Gilbert
Year: 1907

Caption: Yosemite National Park, California. Glaciated granite dome at the west end of Tuolumne Meadows. The direction of ice movement was from right to left. The line of glacial potholes is partly marked by trees, and various tracts of the surface are covered by incipient potholes. Circa 1907.

Link to original USGS photo:
Photo Credits: N.Wasserman (2008); Vale & Vale (1994). University of Utah Press; USGS
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